Synthetic wigs are made of artificial fibres. They can be handmade or machine made and are normally created on a base of Lace Front Wigs. The key points about synthetic wigs are:
The Good
They are relatively inexpensive (prices range from approx £70)
They hold their style very well so this eliminates the need for daily styling
Synthetic Fibres hold their colour permanently, no dying required!
If you are open about wearing a wig then you can experiment with fun colours
Synthetic Wigs are normally what is supplied by the NHS for clients having chemotherapy or for clients with hair loss problems.
The Bad
They need to be washed carefully (not whilst on the head), it is important to follow the after-care guidelines of the supplier or manufacturer. You cannot treat synthetic hair like your own natural hair.
Synthetic hair has a shine to it which can look unnatural (like a dolls hair)
The strands can burn easily so you need to be careful with heat from a hair dryer and you cannot use straightening irons or curling tongs
These wigs are often ill fitting unless you pay for one to be made to measure
They can have too much volume, making them appear unrealistic